Close To My Heart toll-free Customer Referral Line: 1-888-655-6552


Kelly Drinkwater

Independent Consultant

Belle River, Ontario   CANADA




Sample IDEAS

Stamp of the Month

Host a Party

Click here to see the many
wonderful rewards of being a hostess
Become a Consulant

Be your own Boss!
Click here if you like that idea.



My Acrylix
Find out about the changes
Close To My Heart is making!

Click here for more information


Whether you are just beginning your adventure in Rubber Stamping and Scrapbooking, or
have been enjoying these crafts for years, you are sure to appreciate Close To My Heart.
A company that provides quality supplies and excellent customer service through their
Independent Consultants.

I am Kelly, an Independent Consultant for Close To My Heart.  This website and the sample
cards and scrapbook pages on this site are created by me using Close To My Heart®

For information on how to view or purchase a catalogue please email or call me.
My contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Looking forward to being your friendly resource for Scrapbooking and Stamping supplies.

Questions / Orders / Catalogue Requests
Email me:
or call me: (519) 728-9572

Payment methods I accept
Cash, cheque, or direct withdrawal through PayPal.  Payment is required at time order is placed.
To register for paypal (it's free) log onto

"Close To My Heart"," D.O.T.S.", "Dozens of Terrific Stamps", "ABC Scrapbook Program" and all other trademarks are owned by the CTMH Co.
Graphics on this website are not representative of Close To My Heart. Sales in Canada only.
Copyright Kelly Drinkwater 2004

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